
After reviewing a formal complaint received by the College of Pharmacy of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPNL), the Complaints Authorization Committee may decide to refer the matter to CPNL’s Disciplinary Panel for a hearing before an Adjudication Tribunal. The parties at the hearing are CPNL and the registered pharmacy professional who is the subject of the complaint. Parties may choose to be represented by counsel at a hearing. Hearings are held in public, either in-person or virtually, unless the Adjudication Tribunal decides to close the hearing, or part of it, to the public.

Adjudication Tribunal

The Adjudication Tribunal for the hearing is made up of three members of the CPNL Disciplinary Panel, two of whom are pharmacy professionals registered with CPNL and one who is an appointed public representative. In cases where the subject of the complaint is a pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or pharmacy student, at least one of the pharmacy professionals appointed to the adjudication tribunal must be a pharmacist, where practicable, and in cases where the subject of the complaint is a pharmacy technician, pharmacy technician intern, or pharmacy technician students, at least one of the pharmacy professionals appointed to the adjudication tribunal must be a pharmacy technician, where practicable.

Conduct During Hearings

Closed Hearings

A hearing shall be conducted in public but an adjudication tribunal may exclude the public from a hearing, or from part of it, where it considers the desirability of protecting a party to the complaint or another person against the consequences of possible disclosure of personal matters outweighs the desirability of holding the hearing in public, as per section 40(3) of the Pharmacy Act, 2024.

The public will be notified when an Adjudication Tribunal decides to close a hearing or a portion of a hearing. If the hearing is entirely closed, no members of the public or media will be permitted access to the hearing room while testimony is given or counsel submissions on the complaint are made.

An adjudication tribunal may decide to close only a portion of a hearing if it determines that only some of the evidence to be heard is of a sensitive personal nature and is satisfied it will be reasonably possible to predict in advance when sensitive evidence is likely to be heard or referred to during the hearing.

Request a Closed Hearing

CPNL or the pharmacy professional who is the subject of the complaint may bring a motion to close the hearing, or a portion of the hearing, if they anticipate that it may involve the disclosure of personal matters and the desirability to protect the party to the complaint or another person from the consequences of that disclosure outweighs the desirability of holding the hearing in public. The adjudication tribunal will consider the motion and decide whether or not to close the hearing. The motion may be brought before or after the commencement of the hearing and the motion to close the hearing may be closed to the public.

Upcoming hearings

No upcoming hearings

Additional Resources

Public Attendance at Adjudication Tribunal Hearings Policy

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