If you do not resolve your concern by talking with your practitioner or the pharmacy manager, you may decide to file a formal written complaint with the College of Pharmacy of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPNL). All formal written complaints received that indicate that a registered pharmacy professional may have engaged in “conduct deserving of sanction” will follow the complaints & discipline process outlined below.
Complaints & Discipline Process
Complaint Received
Complaints can be filed through CPNL’s online complaint form. Alternatively, a printable copy of the complaint form can be obtained by contacting complaints@cpnl.ca. If for any reason you are unable to complete the complaint form, CPNL can provide access to a Complaints Facilitator to assist you in putting your concern in writing.
Once a written formal complaint is received, CPNL is required to forward it to the registered pharmacy professional who is the subject of the complaint for them to review and respond. Their response will then be forwarded to you so you can provide additional comments if you wish to do so. If you provide additional comments, the registered pharmacy professional will also be another opportunity to respond.
Complaint reviewed
CPNL does not screen or assess the complaint until all correspondence is received from both you and the registered pharmacy professional who is the subject of the complaint. Once all correspondence is received, the Registrar of CPNL will review the matter.
Complaint referred
Upon review of the complaint, the Registrar will either offer both parties the opportunity to resolve the matter using Early Resolution or will refer the complaint to the Complaints Authorization Committee.
The complaint may be resolved by Early Resolution, by the Complaints Authorization Committee, or by an Adjudication Tribunal. If found guilty of conduct deserving of sanction, some examples of the types of sanctions that the registered pharmacy professional who is the subject of the allegation may receive include:
a counsel or caution
a suspension or restriction of their practice
a requirement to participate in training or an appropriate treatment program
a fine
eARLY Resolution
If both you and the registered pharmacy professional who is the subject of the complaint agree, the Registrar of CPNL may work with both parties to resolve the matter.
Complaints authorization committee
The Complaints Authorization Committee is made up of pharmacy practitioners and public representatives. If a complaint is referred to the committee for review they may do several things:
Ask the Registrar to try Early Resolution.
Conduct an investigation.
Request a meeting with the subject of the complaint.
Refer the matter to the Quality Assurance Committee.
Dismiss the complaint.
Issue a counsel or caution.
Refer the matter to CPNL’s Disciplinary Panel for a hearing.
If the committee conducts an investigation, you may be asked to provide a statement or additional information to an investigator. The subject of the complaint must also cooperate with an investigation and must follow any order that the committee makes.
Adjudication Tribunal
If the Complaints Authorization Committee refers the matter to CPNL’s Disciplinary Panel for a hearing, you and other witnesses may be required to testify. The Disciplinary Panel will hear evidence and decide whether the registered pharmacy professional who is the subject of the complaint is guilty of conduct deserving of sanction. If so, the Disciplinary Panel will also let you know the outcome.