When you visit your pharmacy, you should expect to receive safe and quality healthcare from a professional who treats you with courtesy and respect. In most circumstances, pharmacy professionals are able to meet your expectations and provide you with the care you need. However, there are times when your pharmacy team may fail to meet your expectations and the College of Pharmacy of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPNL) has processes in place to help you address your concerns.
Addressing Your Concerns
If you have a concern, you should first try to talk to your practitioner or the pharmacy manager about your concerns with the care you received. Issues may arise because there is a misunderstanding and having a discussion will often resolve your questions and concerns. Visit the CPNL Public Register to look up contact information for your pharmacy, including the name of the pharmacist-in-charge.
If your practitioner does not resolve your concerns, or if you are not comfortable talking to your practitioner, you may contact CPNL at complaints@cpnl.ca to discuss the issue or discuss the process for filing a formal complaint.
CPNL has the authority under the Pharmacy Act, 2024 to investigate any complaint received which indicates that a pharmacy professional registered with CPNL may have engaged in conduct deserving of sanction. Conduct deserving of sanction includes:
professional misconduct,
professional incompetence,
incapacity or unfitness to engage in the practice of pharmacy,
conduct unbecoming a registered pharmacy professional, and
acting in breach of the Pharmacy Act, 2024, Pharmacy Regulations, 2024, or the code of ethics.