Medication Safety through Error Prevention (MedSTEP NL) is the College of Pharmacy of Newfoundland and Labrador’s (CPNL) standardized continuous quality improvement (CQI) and medication incident reporting (MIR) program for community pharmacies. MedSTEP NL includes elements of reporting, analyzing, documenting, and sharing learning from medication incidents and near-miss events to continuously review and improve the quality and safety of pharmacy practice in the province.
As of July 1, 2024, all community pharmacies should be actively participating in continuous quality improvement and reporting medication incidents and near-misses to the National Incident Data Repository. CPNL will aim to begin sharing aggregate data within 6 months of program implementation or as soon as enough data is available.
Continuous Quality Improvement and Medication Incident Reporting Standards of Practice
The following Standards of Practice describe the minimum acceptable standards for a continuous quality improvement program and are intended to promote consistency in this area throughout the province.
These Standards are based on the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) Model Standards of Practice for Continuous Quality Improvement and Medication Incident Reporting by Pharmacy Standards.
About MedSTEP NL
CQI and MIR Implementation Plan for Community Pharmacies
Pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) reviews and understands CPNL’s Standards of Practice for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Medication Incident Reporting (MIR) and CQI and MIR information and resources available on CPNL’s website. | |
PIC starts to develop a pharmacy policies and procedures manual for MedSTEP NL. | |
Pharmacy staff members, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy assistants, review and understand CPNL’s standards of practice for CQI and MIR and CQI and MIR information and resources available on CPNL’s website. | |
For more information regarding the implementation of the medication incident reporting platform and data sharing agreement, review the Medication Incident Reporting Steps to Implementation | |
PIC reviews and understands MedSTEP NL criteria for a MIR platform. | |
PIC either:
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PIC signs and submits a data-sharing agreement with NIDR (contact the NIDR team at to start the process). | |
PIC obtains a Medication Safety Self-Assessment tool included in the chosen reporting platform or from another source. | |
PIC completes the pharmacy policies and procedures manual for MedSTEP NL. | |
Pharmacy staff, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy assistants, review and understand the policies and procedures for MedSTEP NL. | |
TRAIN STAFF | JUNE 30, 2024 |
PIC appoints a CQI coordinator (in addition to themselves), if feasible, to help ensure the policy and procedure manual is updated as required, training is ongoing, and medication incidents and near-misses are reported in a timely matter. | |
PIC engages with all pharmacy staff in discussions on processes to report incidents and near-miss events and ensures all staff are trained and comfortable with the pharmacy’s policy and procedure manual and reporting platform. | |
PIC ensures all pharmacy staff have completed the training provided by the MIR. | |
Pharmacy starts reporting medication incidents and near-miss events as per CPNL’s Standards of Practice for CQI and MIR. | July 1, 2024 |
PIC/CQI Coordinator holds and documents a formal CQI meeting within 6 months of MedSTEP NL program implementation and as per CPNL’s Standards of Practice for CQI and MIR thereafter. | December 31, 2024 |
PIC/CQI Coordinator completes a Medication Safety Self-Assessment during the first year of the MedSTEP NL program and as per CPNL’s Standards of Practice for CQI and MIR thereafter. | July 1, 2025 |
CQI and MIR Implementation for Hospital Outpatient Pharmacies
Medication incidents that occur in hospital outpatient departments are entered into the NL Health Services Clinical Safety Reporting System (CSRS). In the event of an incident, the outpatient department conducts an internal review with the pharmacy staff involved and shares it with other staff as a learning experience.
Following a recommendation from CPNL staff, CPNL’s board of directors gave direction at the June 2023 board meeting to revisit the implementation of MedSTEP NL for hospital outpatient pharmacies when the Standards of Pharmacy Operation for Hospital Pharmacies is next revised. More formal consultations on implementing national reporting of MIR for hospital outpatients will begin soon.
Pharmacy Team Roles in MedSTEP NL
Every pharmacy team member has an active role to play in CQI, including identifying potential safety concerns and solutions and leading and modeling patient safety culture.
All pharmacy professionals should review the MedSTEP NL: CQI and MIR Implementation Plan for Community Pharmacies for key implementation steps and deadlines for MedSTEP NL.
CPNL’s Role in MedSTEP nL
Continuous improvement of quality and safety in pharmacy practice is a shared goal of both CPNL and pharmacy professionals. Through the development of the MedSTEP NL program, CPNL is committed to sharing information and learning opportunities based on meaningful analysis of national and provincial-level data with pharmacy professionals. CPNL plays a key role in supporting pharmacy professionals to engage in CQI and MIR with the common goal of reducing the number of medication incidents, mitigating risks to patients, and improving the quality and safety of patient care.
CPNL will receive de-identified, anonymous provincial data summaries from ISMP Canada. The aggregate data will inform key trends and will be used to communicate error prevention and safety improvement strategies. CPNL will aim to begin sharing aggregate data within 6 months of MedSTEP NL implementation or as soon as enough data is available.
CPNL will also assess how pharmacies participate in CQI and MIR and engage with the MedSTEP NL program during routine practice site inspections.
MedSTEP NL Documentation Requirements
The following documentation should be retained in the pharmacy and available for audit or during a CPNL site visit, if requested: